Quality Control and Trimming



In this practical you will learn to import, view and check the quality of raw high thoughput sequencing sequencing data.

The first dataset you will be working with is from an Illumina MiSeq dataset. The sequenced organism is an enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) of the serotype O157, a potentially fatal gastrointestinal pathogen. The sequenced bacterium was part of an outbreak investigation in the St. Louis area, USA in 2011. The sequencing was done as paired-end 2x150bp.

Downloading the data

The raw data were deposited at the European Nucleotide Archive, under the accession number SRR957824. You could go to the ENA website and search for the run with the accession SRR957824.

However these files contain about 3 million reads and are therefore quite big. We are only gonna use a subset of the original dataset for this tutorial.

First create a data/ directory in your home folder

mkdir ~/data

now let's download the subset

cd ~/data
curl -O -J -L https://osf.io/shqpv/download
curl -O -J -L https://osf.io/9m3ch/download

Let’s make sure we downloaded all of our data using md5sum.

md5sum SRR957824_500K_R1.fastq.gz SRR957824_500K_R2.fastq.gz

you should see this

1e8cf249e3217a5a0bcc0d8a654585fb  SRR957824_500K_R1.fastq.gz
70c726a31f05f856fe942d727613adb7  SRR957824_500K_R2.fastq.gz

and now look at the file names and their size

ls -l
total 97M
-rw-r--r-- 1 hadrien 48M Nov 19 18:44 SRR957824_500K_R1.fastq.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 hadrien 50M Nov 19 18:53 SRR957824_500K_R2.fastq.gz

There are 500 000 paired-end reads taken randomly from the original data

One last thing before we get to the quality control: those files are writeable. By default, UNIX makes things writeable by the file owner. This poses an issue with creating typos or errors in raw data. We fix that before going further

chmod u-w *

Working Directory

First we make a work directory: a directory where we can play around with a copy of the data without messing with the original

mkdir ~/work
cd ~/work

Now we make a link of the data in our working directory

ln -s ~/data/* .

The files that we've downloaded are FASTQ files. Take a look at one of them with

zless SRR957824_500K_R1.fastq.gz


Use the spacebar to scroll down, and type ‘q’ to exit ‘less’

You can read more on the FASTQ format in the File Formats lesson.


Where does the filename come from?


Why are there 1 and 2 in the file names?


To check the quality of the sequence data we will use a tool called FastQC.

FastQC has a graphical interface and can be downloaded and run on a Windows or Linux computer without installation. It is available here.

However, FastQC is also available as a command line utility on the training server you are using. To run FastQC on our two files

fastqc SRR957824_500K_R1.fastq.gz SRR957824_500K_R2.fastq.gz

and look what FastQC has produced

ls *fastqc*

For each file, FastQC has produced both a .zip archive containing all the plots, and a html report.

Download and open the html files with your favourite web browser.

Alternatively you can look a these copies of them:


What should you pay attention to in the FastQC report?


Which file is of better quality?

Pay special attention to the per base sequence quality and sequence length distribution. Explanations for the various quality modules can be found here. Also, have a look at examples of a good and a bad illumina read set for comparison.

You will note that the reads in your uploaded dataset have fairly poor quality (<20) towards the end. There are also outlier reads that have very poor quality for most of the second half of the reads.


Now we'll do some trimming!

Scythe uses a Naive Bayesian approach to classify contaminant substrings in sequence reads. It considers quality information, which can make it robust in picking out 3'-end adapters, which often include poor quality bases.

The first thing we need is the adapters to trim off

curl -O -J -L https://osf.io/v24pt/download

Now we run scythe on both our read files

scythe -a adapters.fasta -o SRR957824_adapt_R1.fastq SRR957824_500K_R1.fastq.gz
scythe -a adapters.fasta -o SRR957824_adapt_R2.fastq SRR957824_500K_R2.fastq.gz


What adapters do you use?


Most modern sequencing technologies produce reads that have deteriorating quality towards the 3'-end and some towards the 5'-end as well. Incorrectly called bases in both regions negatively impact assembles, mapping, and downstream bioinformatics analyses.

We will trim each read individually down to the good quality part to keep the bad part from interfering with downstream applications.

To do so, we will use sickle. Sickle is a tool that uses sliding windows along with quality and length thresholds to determine when quality is sufficiently low to trim the 3'-end of reads and also determines when the quality is sufficiently high enough to trim the 5'-end of reads. It will also discard reads based upon a length threshold.

To run sickle

sickle pe -f SRR957824_adapt_R1.fastq -r SRR957824_adapt_R2.fastq \
    -t sanger -o SRR957824_trimmed_R1.fastq -p SRR957824_trimmed_R2.fastq \
    -s /dev/null -q 25

which should output something like

PE forward file: SRR957824_trimmed_R1.fastq
PE reverse file: SRR957824_trimmed_R2.fastq

Total input FastQ records: 1000000 (500000 pairs)

FastQ paired records kept: 834570 (417285 pairs)
FastQ single records kept: 13263 (from PE1: 11094, from PE2: 2169)
FastQ paired records discarded: 138904 (69452 pairs)
FastQ single records discarded: 13263 (from PE1: 2169, from PE2: 11094)

FastQC again

Run fastqc again on the filtered reads

fastqc SRR957824_trimmed_R1.fastq SRR957824_trimmed_R2.fastq

and look at the reports


MultiQC is a tool that aggreagtes results from several popular QC bioinformatics software into one html report.

Let's run MultiQC in our current directory

multiqc .

You can download the report or view it by clickinh on the link below


What did the trimming do to the per-base sequence quality, the per sequence quality scores and the sequence length distribution?